Traffic Lawyers Sydney

The purpose of the New South Wales traffic law is to keep the roads safe for all road users. Road users come in all shapes and sizes, such as drivers and passengers of cars, trucks, vans, riders of motorcycles, cyclists, and pedestrians. The traffic law is predominantly regulated by the Australian Road Rules 2014 and the Road Transport Act 2013 (NSW). 

Most drivers do their best to drive in a reasonably prudent and careful manner. However, even safe, and responsible drivers suffer from momentary lapses in concentration and judgment. 

The road can be a dangerous place and there are risks you could become involved in a prosecution for a traffic offence, whether you are the defendant or victim of someone else’s negligence.

Being charged with a serious traffic offence, such as drink driving, DUI, Dangerous Driving, Unlicensed or Disqualified driving can be distressing, there are real consequences, such as receiving a criminal conviction. While the thought of losing your license is distressing, some traffic offences incur even more severe penalties, such as imprisonment. 

If you are charged with a serious traffic offence, it is important to seek legal advice from experienced traffic lawyers in Sydney, such as Richard McDonald of McDonald Law as soon as possible.

Learning Sydney Traffic Laws

Some laws are obvious and easy to remember, such as stopping at red lights and following the posted speed limit, but other traffic laws can be more obscure. Most drivers become familiar with the traffic laws for the first time when they are learning to drive, through resources such as the Road User Handbook, and never consider the need to refresh their understanding. Traffic rules, like all other laws, change over time. Being ignorant of the law is no defense, however making an honest and reasonable mistake is defensible. 

Minor Driving and Traffic Offences

Most drivers have inadvertently infringed the traffic law on at least one occasion, whether by ‘casually’ exceeding the speed limit or not wearing their seatbelt correctly. 

If you are caught by the police, they will usually issue you an infringement notice or fine resulting in a loss of demerit points. This can be particularly harsh if you are caught committing a traffic offence on a double demerits weekend. If you lose all your points or are caught speeding, you could have your license suspended by the police or authority, Traffic for New South Wales (TfNSW

While a license is a privilege, it is also a modern necessity. Not many people, especially professional drivers, such as taxi, truck, and delivery drivers could maintain their standard of living, family life, or employment without a license. Fortunately, the courts can be sympathetic to drivers who have lost their license following a traffic infringement, but the Court’s sympathy can only extend so far if you come before the court repeatedly, and are declared an habitual offender. 

If you seek expert advice, you may be able to minimise the length of any suspension or disqualification, fine, or even imprisonment than if you represented yourself. Do not leave your livelihood or your freedom to chance.

If you need an experienced traffic lawyer in Sydney that is also affordable, contact Richard without delay. Our traffic offence lawyers are available to assist clients across the Sydney CBD, Metropolitan areas, and Regional New South Wales

Serious Driving and Traffic Offences

Some traffic and driving offences are very serious, with correspondingly serious penalties. This is particularly the case with dangerous driving offences, and especially if you were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or if someone was hurt. Serious traffic offences in New South Wales include:

  • Predatory driving
  • Police pursuits
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Dangerous driving
  • Failing to stop and assist
  • Negligent driving causing death or grievous bodily harm
  • Furious or reckless driving
  • Menacing driving
  • Driving offences causing death or grievous bodily harm 

Penalties for Serious Driving and Traffic Offences

Penalties for serious driving or traffic offences include large fines, loss of licence, disqualification from driving and/or a period of imprisonment. These offences also appear on a criminal record.  

Drivers charged with a serious traffic offence need to speak to a solicitor as soon as possible, and if possible, before they have made any statement to the police. 

Contact our Traffic Lawyers in Sydney

Call Richard McDonald of McDonald Law on 02 8824 4736 or email us for an appointment at [email protected]. Our traffic lawyers in Sydney will be able to assist you, provide honest feedback, and give you practical options to plan, prepare and resolve your case.